Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hike to Heart Rock Falls: A Love Story

Heart-shaped sunglasses for spotting heart-shaped waterfalls.

Somewhere in my closet, I have a valentine from my 5th grade crush with a lemon-flavored Lifesaver stuck to the back.  The front is a picture of a purple octopus next to the words, "You're My Main Squeeze."  Boy, I really wanted to be his main squeeze.  I didn't care that he gave the same valentine to every girl in the class.  But when he spoke to me, I forgot how to talk.  Also, I turned redder than a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

Since 5th grade, I've learned a few things: 1) don't go for the guy passing out valentines to every girl in the class, 2) red is totally my color, and 3) you don't need a sweetheart to get out and celebrate in the name of love.  How about a walk to a heart-shaped waterfall?