Sunday, August 26, 2012

Do Some Good: Do Some Bad

This is what my insides look like.

Last week I went to the doctor because my left arm and my right leg felt like they had fallen asleep and wouldn't wake up.  My right leg is familiar with this feeling, since I suffered from a bulging disc in my lower back for 15 months before finally having back surgery.  Chronic pain sucks.  But I've been pain free for over a year now, so when I started feeling that tingling last week, I panicked.  I was having a relapse.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Do Some Good: Go Back to 5th Grade

Being the middle child has one major advantage: You get to have a big sister and a little sister all at once!  I like it here in the middle.  I couldn't imagine my life without both of my sisters.  And now that I am a Big Sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, I can't imagine my life without all three of my sisters.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do Some Good: It's Hammer Time

Good wood

When was the last time you asked your best friend to carpool to Compton?  For me, it was when Carmen and I decided to put on our work gloves and volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.

In case you haven't guessed it, I've decided to devote the next few posts to adventures in "doing good".  Sometimes those adventures can be the most rewarding, and I'm here to give you a few ideas, starting with building a house.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Desert Fever: Road Trip to Salvation

Last Friday, my little sister and I headed down to Palm Springs for the weekend.  When I told her I'd be waking her up early Saturday morning to get "saved", her only question was "What should I wear?"

Ever since I made the New Year's Resolution to get into more trouble, my little sister has been my biggest supporter in kicking off my goody two-shoes.  She is my good bad influence.  Even if she's been out partying until 4 am, she will show up at my door by 8am, ready for whatever I have in store.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Desert Fever: A Look Inside My Time Machine

The Integratron

I used to view the desert as the kind of place where you don’t stray far from the swimming pool.  I should know better.  One of my favorite childhood memories is camping in Death Valley in 132 degree heat, where the only swimming pool within 50 miles was 95 degrees and standing-room only.

The desert is anything but a barren landscape.  It’s a blank canvas that has inspired rocks musicians, UFO hunters, and artists alike... Oh, and little old me.  So far, my work of art includes a time machine, a secret waterfall, and some painted mountains.  All set before the bluest sky you can imagine.  Now let me paint you a better picture, starting with the time machine.


Shoestring Kitchen has outgrown itself.  I finally decided it no longer makes sense to have a food blog with only the occasional recipe post.  So without further ado, welcome to Shoestring Adventures, a budget-friendly blog about all of life’s adventures, in and out of the kitchen.  Please stay tuned for more stories and, of course, the occasional recipe post.