Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Perfect Day for a Wild Goat Chase

Mermaid Rachel

In late-September, my friend Rachel and I planned a leisurely hike to Three Pools Beyond Seven Falls in Santa Barbara.  Rachel is an exceptional adventure partner.  She encourages my crazy ideas.  She doesn't freak out when I lead her down an unbeaten path and tell her we may not end up anywhere.  She appreciates the little things, like leaves changing colors and the unusual texture of tree bark.  She doesn't think it's weird when I stick my nose in the air and fill my lungs with the smell of ancient eucalyptus trees.  She also makes these delicious hummus lettuce wraps that I really enjoy. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Big Sur Jade Hunt: Beginner's Luck or Fool's Gold?

Beginner's luck or fool's gold?

For my Aunt Jojo.  One day, I hope we can take this trip together.

I've known my cousin Taylor since she was born. When she was in 2nd grade, my Aunt Jojo let me trim Taylor's bangs the day before class photos.  In this famous portrait, Taylor is wearing a mustard-colored turtleneck, and her bangs are cut straight across her forehead, about two inches above her eyebrows.  She looks more like a child actor in an episode of Star Trek than a second grader.  Fortunately, Taylor has forgiven me for destroying her 2nd grade image... or so I thought.

Taylor is now a grown up, living in Monterey, California.  When she told me she wanted to go jade hunting in Big Sur, I planned a road trip for the following weekend.  Before I arrived, she met an expert jade hunter at a Gangnam Style party.  She traded him surfing lessons for some insider tips on finding the precious green stone.