Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beets, Gnomes and Life


After a rough year, I'm starting fresh, and so is my blog.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, my blog archives have vanished, but I've learned that when you're starting fresh, you can't sweat the little stuff... so I'm just going to pick up where I left off.

My last post was shortly before I had back surgery in April.  That was when I started my vegetable garden.  In anticipation of no bending or twisting for 2 months, I planted my entire garden in one weekend.  Since then, I have been named "Most Neurotic Gardener" by my plot neighbors.  If you have ever heard of Square Foot Gardening, you would understand why I had to build a wooden grid to lay across my 6x7 foot plot.  You'd be amazed by how many veggies you can produce in such a small space.

Perhaps my favorite part of my garden was there before I even broke dirt.  Meet Gustoff, my garden gnome.  He's a little worn, but as far as I'm concerned, he's the magic that makes my garden grow.  I fully intend to pass him down to the next gardener at plot #1, just as he was passed down to me.

Last weekend, with my summer garden winding down, I began planting my winter garden.  Come winter, I will be harvesting broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, Swiss chard, beets, and carrots.  I'm already planning a few recipes.  Garden party!

1 comment:

  1. look at that bountiful garden! i foresee a plethora of delicious recipes from Alyx's kitchen in there.
